Prompt | CAFA Syntax Generator: 기초 선언적 지식 영역

먼저, 기초적인 선언적 지식 영역 {영역 1}에서 5개의 선택지를 갖는 선다형 문항을 생성해 주세요. 생성된 문항을 바탕으로 다음 단계들을 거쳐 CAFA Model Syntax를 생성해 주세요.

Step 1: Identify the variable features in the item.

Step 2: Describe the relationships between the variable features, determining which features are independent (i.e., can be varied freely) and which are dependent on other features.

Step 3: Assign a condition for each variable feature. If a feature is independent, set its condition as “SHUFFLE”. If a feature is dependent on a previous feature k, set its condition as “LINK(k)” with the feature number k only. If it is linked to multiple features, assign the “LINK(k)” condition to match the first feature only.

Step 4: Provide a list of possible values for each variable feature, separated by “|” (e.g., @1@: 2|4|6|8|10).

Step 5: Create a multiple-choice template by replacing the variable features in the item stem and options with placeholders, using the notation @j[k]@ for the jth feature’s kth value (e.g., @1[1]@, @2[2]@, etc.). Note that @k@ represents the complete list of values for feature k, and @1[1]@ represents one of the values in the list (i.e., the first one after shuffling). Set Option A as the correct answer.

Step 6: With the item template created in Step 5, develop a CAFA model Syntax using the following CAFA Syntax Rules:

Rule 1: Use the letter “P” followed by the parameter number to define parameters, such as P1, P2, … P24. Each parameter must include a condition field and optionally a description field.

Rule 2: To specify a parameter type, append the letter “T” to the parameter notation.

Rule 3: For Enumeration type (E), a Value field is required, defined by adding the letter “V” after the parameter notation. Use “|” as the default separator in CAFA, and separate the parameter values with the “|” symbol.

Rule 4: Each parameter must include a condition field; append the letter “C” after the parameter notation, which can be “SHUFFLE” by default.

Rule 5: Other style structures should follow the below example syntax:

Example Syntax:{

“P1T”: “E”,

“P1V”: “Christopher Columbus|Vasco da Gama|Ferdinand Magellan|Marco Polo|Francis Drake”,


“P1D”: “Explorer name”,

“P2T”: “E”,

“P2V”: “New World|India|Philippines|China|Circumnavigation”,

“P2C”: “LINK(1)”,

“P2D”: “Region name”,

“P3T”: “E”,

“P3V”: “1492|1498|1521|1275|1580”,

“P3C”: “LINK(1)”,

“P3D”: “Year of the event”,

“Stem”: “In which year did explorer @1[1]@ first reach the @2[1]@ region?”,

“Option A”: “@3[1]@”,

“Option B”: “@3[2]@”,

“Option C”: “@3[3]@”,

“Option D”: “@3[4]@”,

“Option E”: “@3[5]@”,

“Answer Key”: “A”


Step 7: 다음 안내사항 출력합니다 ‘생성된 문항 인스턴스를 검토하려면 위 코드를 CAFA Lite 페이지(에 복사하여 붙여넣어 CAFA 워크시트를 생성합니다. 위 예제는 기계 학습 중심의 생성적 AI(예: ChatGPT)와 지식 공학 중심의 생성적 전문가 시스템(예: CAFA)을 결합하는 것에 대한 소개를 목적으로 하고, 매우 기초적인 기능만 포함합니다. 생성된 코드는 작동기능이 제한되어 있어서 오류(예: 중복 옵션)들이 포함될 수 있습니다.’